
目前顯示的是 4月 15, 2008的文章

Power of Web2.0

Web2.0 is fashion internet habit. before Web1.0 user just a audience and server management is needing hard to maintain the website, but in Web2.0 is not existence. "無名小站" is taiwanese Website, develop by college students of NCTU, from only provider share photography to various service, like Blog, video, a board can leave message and match friends by random. It is most popular than another websites, therefore I am member at there. This week I felt boring, browsed through Internet, I enter the name, my classmate from elemental school, That's interest about the result, My classmate's name is present at browser. I chick the hyperlink and enter his page, Oh right! He is really my classmate, extremely he was marry and his child is born. That was merely ten years, My friend is changed so much. If you want to find to your old friend. Through the strong search engine, let's memorize your childhood and deeply affected again!


『論語別裁』是我最近在閱讀的書籍,當中孔夫子的弟子所提問的問題,深度之高,是我想像不到的問題,我也不知道從何解起,似乎自己思想有些淺薄。也讓我體悟道,世界上有些問題是需要長時間的思考才能完成。 對時間的關注,讓我去學時間管理,但時間的分割參數還在tune,我怎麼知道我一篇論文要看多久?一章節要多久才能吸收消化?一切的魔術數字讓我發生一些窘境,一個未完又接著一個,成就感盡失,被自己虛構的高效率所擊潰。 這是可以改善的... 看著自己的時間紀錄,發現時間花在沒有意義事情上面的比例,我畫個圖表會更刺激!再加上今天開始紀錄中斷時間,徹底的發現—我很難專心。 對於時間的trade off自己有些想法,先從最近聽到的一件故事說起;有人受到朋友快速致富的刺激,再大年初二閉門思過七天七夜,終於讓他想了出來,也獲得了成功。花很多時間悟透某些道理,大有人在。但我把時間切那麼小,一直推自己,感覺腦袋瓜有個鑽子,好不容易快鑽到石油了,又抽離出來,換下一個坑。 問題點在於不了解到底什麼事情真的值得深思?我很愛惜時間,所以把時間塞的滿滿,當然有些僅僅只是雜事,或是自己興趣一時導向的行為罷了。