
目前顯示的是 6月 13, 2008的文章

Festival of Thank for teacher

I will graduate from college, In yesterday cerebrate teacher who teach me four years, the electrical engineering department have nearly two hundreds people, we order place in the 85-Floors build at 39 floor, the restaurant feel high-level, I never see how elegant house is, the food, flavor, waiter and place really great, let's want not leave here. we find a table near by window, because the landmark is beautiful and amazed, I fear to see the earth, I think that tall then 120 meters, so I decide to eat the meals, first I eat the salad and then fresh fish slice with mustard, after two dish I feel so terrible, because I feel some full, the roam is good sport in this situation, Meeting my classmate, they walks in order to find the Miss right, the other school have same cerebrate at tonight, I see a lot of beautiful girls and handsome boys, we want take a picture with they, so we get plan, when they be alone, that's a good time to invite she, all friend want the critical time, but


近朱者赤,近墨者黑,物以類聚,人以群分。 此乃自然現象,所以人類也是如此,這不是偏激的想法,說那套老掉牙的有錢人與窮人理論,也不是瞧不起某些人,我認為各種思想沒有絕對的好壞,只有喜歡不喜歡,有些人喜好享受當下、有些人喜歡努力克難;就跟草莓蛋糕理論一樣,有些人喜歡先吃草莓,反之其他人喜歡先吃蛋糕。所以你的人生是什麼,只要你認為是對的,就去追尋吧。 我認為物種如此劃分的原因,抽象點來講,可能源自於安逸圈的定義不同,安逸圈就是讓你覺得滿足,停下來歇憩,這也是我之前很困惑的一件事情,當時我很注重成功(雖然現在也是),認為人生的目的就是要轟轟烈烈為這個世界做些什麼,所以看到人家安於現狀,毫無目標過著生活,我會開始想?為什麼他肯過著現在的生活?難道他不想繼續上爬了嗎?我花了蠻多時間在想通它,原來在這世界上每個人追求的終點不同!我也沒有權力去批評人家,多想想自己吧! 最近跟資工系新老師聊天,他是台大畢業的,可能是我現階段遙不可及的學校,所以我非常好奇同樣是台灣人,到底有什麼不一樣?那些MIT頂尖學校的天才又有什麼不同?我會這樣想,主要是希望透過比較,發現自我改進的地方。我處在這個環境,成績還不錯,做事效率相對高昂,在逐漸成為山大王的同時,已經陷入了另外一個漩渦;井底之蛙是不知道自己在井底的! 在當中聊到幾個論點,第一是學生學習心態:舉研究所的例子,在完成交代的工作之後,還會花更多時間來探究問題點,改善再改善,主動性的學習是我所缺乏的,往往完成老師吩咐的工作,就已經志得意滿了。(同學們把會寫作業的同學當高手,準備等待copy) 第二是上課方式不同,被動式的教學只輸入不輸出,聽到不等於你悟到,不過你說得出來,就真的代表進入你的腦袋,他們的環境,老師一學期可以教一本書,在啟發者的角度來指導,每一章節只是概念的傳遞,師父領進門,修行看個人。就麻煩你努力的去網路、圖書館彌補這些漏洞。仔細想想,這不就是碩士班的行為模式嗎?!研究方向是老闆給的,完成的部分就靠你自己了! 第三是對未來以及現在的行為負責,這是差別最多的,我認為他們大部分的人,都知道自己在幹什麼,他們要的是什麼。所以他們所做的選擇都會花120%功夫去實現;在中鋼有位台大的年輕人在做黑手,再做配線,好奇的主管與他閒聊,原來這位台大生想從這種配電的實戰經驗、學以致用吧!這位資工系的老師也是,他曾經做過推銷員,因為他渴望擊退了羞恥心,低

Festival of Thank for teacher

如果有興趣的話麻煩糾正我的破英文。 這篇主要再講昨天的謝師宴。 I will graduate from college, In yesterday cerebrate teacher who teach me four years, the electrical engineering department have nearly two hundreds people, we order place in the 85-Floors build at 39 floor, the restaurant feel high-level, I never see how elegant house is, the food, flavor, waiter and place really great, let's want not leave here. we find a table near by window, because the landmark is beautiful and amazement, I fear to see the earth, I think that tall then 120 meters, so I decide to eat the meals, first I eat the salad and then fresh fish slice with mustard, that's terrible, because I feel some full, the roam is good sport in this situation, Meeting my classmate, they walks in order to find the Miss right, the other school have same cerebrate at tonight, I see a lot of beautiful girls and handsome boys, we want take a picture with they, so we get plan, when they be alone, that's a good time to invite she, all friend want the