
目前顯示的是 5月 19, 2008的文章


我昨天才知道什麼是不舒服,站在別人下面的感覺真的不是很棒;昨天的面試,首當其衝的打擊就是英文能力,自以為在教堂胡說亂說就可以上得了檯面,不過值得慶幸的是,要是我連亂說的練習都沒有的話,今天面試,就要看我稿笑了。商管人才的表達能力不在話下,多益對他們來說簡單的嚇嚇叫,我只知道他們說英文很溜,但是他們還是自覺不夠好?!英文表達能力就算了,本國語言的表達能力也是,他們是如此關心國際情勢,抱持著自己精闢的觀點分析,組織出令人震懾的話語。害羞的我,被問到有什麼想法時,才知道自己真的沒有什麼,聽完題目腦袋依然一片空白。 接著是想法上得衝擊,在中場休息之餘,孤僻我的待在教室,聽著他們聊天,我話有點插不進去,因為他們看的好遠好遠,我以為自己已經拿望遠鏡看很遠了,沒想到他們是使用哈伯天文望遠鏡在看著個世界。 在結束了SRB的行程過後,我被徹底打敗了?!我想沒有,雖然今天我給自己打不及格,是因為我小看了這場比賽,我因為受到打擊而感動,原來我必須要爬的更快。離開了中山,我來到了愛河旁,我靜靜的寫下今天的感觸,當時的我有些疲勞憔悴不平橫,看著漂泊在愛河的船,我的假日就這樣淡淡的結束。 在新的禮拜開始,我起的特別早,大概四點吧,全賜於昨天晚上安祥的睡眠;我深深地吸一口氣,心裡那喊著!我要跟他們一樣!雖然我是工科生,並不完全依靠表達能力吃飯,但我不想要因為表達能力而被劃地自限,就算無法與他們相提並論,但至少我的表達能力沒有華麗的技巧,但有一定的溝通能力。

Yesterday SRB team present.

Happy to meet the other field partners, take a chat and share some interesting story. We are use English to discuss a issue, we select “introduction the Taiwan ”, Where the introduced? The first is festival, we will talk about valentine’s day, Three of the festivals that we have, and second is sub-culture, the child in Taiwan have a new trend, After the one-child, the child becoming a small emperor, we can find out interesting phenomenon. Third is history, between China and Taiwan what’s relationship? fourth is technology, we compare China ’s heavy industry and Taiwan ’s micro-technology. But we are all fault, because this is teamwork, complete project with your partners . The job must be separate form big project. so the final report have frustration, Improve English is important, do you like to talk with a strange man? I do not want to be as, hard to learning and dare to say, you can grow up quickly.