
目前顯示的是 4月 16, 2008的文章

Have a good trip

How the bad worth, My travel in the weekend have destroyed by big rain. In order to this trip, I repair my car's light, change oil and wash it. I spend NT.930 to maintenance. not only do that but I also gather information about "台東", Find out some interesting, There have more landscapes and mountains, Just like heaven, the God reside in here. because I want to enjoy it, so I work hard in laboratory on this week. but that's all disappear! We will be latency. I pray for God. Hope God can protect everyone, let's have a good trip, and safe back. but now I want to the trip take place on time.


每次 去教會上英文,我想最恐懼的莫過於,當老外想要跟你聊天,但你完全聽不懂,又很想回答他,最要命的是他表現出些許失望的表情。 在課前所作的準備,似乎效用不是很大,除了對聖經的陌生,在加上英文的詮釋,挺吃力的!最近思考的書看的太多,思慮的淺薄使自滿的我消退,果然!當你志得意滿的時候,就是你完蛋的時候!這種現象處處可見,從古至今,皆是種種教訓。 今天!我發現我的缺點,我相信發現是解決的開始!