
目前顯示的是 6月 7, 2008的文章


Today I must finish the homework, Fuzzy with GA algorism, that's a big code, I think that need two hundreds rows, even if I had experiment of programing a lot of codes, but the drawback is hard to maintain, because usual stupid method use again and again, if I memory that, I can't do that after then. This is different than before, planing is new skill for me, Loving write plan and do that by myself, That's interesting, and then I can easy debugged by new method, just like step by step exam, the small problems take away is easy, if the question become large, you can't imaginable how complex system is. Congratulation ! I can see the growing curve about me.

Design & Creative

今天是個大晴天,這個周末似乎瀰漫著書本的氣息,期末將至,接踵而來的報告,不知不覺的來到我身邊,切換至努力模式的時候到了!還剩下3篇報告2篇書面報告及1科考試!加油! 嘴巴說著很忙,還是參加了PPT訓練營,當初設定的學習目標是,如何利用簡報來清晰的表達自己的想法,事與願違,比較偏向於工具的運用,但仍學到美感的設計,簡單幾個圓圈,在適當的位置大小以及顏色,這種美感參數的設定,比機器還要複雜;培養美感,讓藝術融入生活,住自己設計的房間,做自己設計的椅子,想起來就很舒服,我一直很想問問老師,該如何提升美感,但在心裡已經悄悄有個答案,那就是仔細體驗、欣賞周遭的一切。