
目前顯示的是 5月 7, 2008的文章

Speech in Master class

This day is challenge day. because I will speech in my master class. Present the paper "The DATA GRID", this is new generation of computer science, everyone computaion resorce can share on internet. the globe just like a big computer, when people want to analysis something, it can solve the question on time. Eventually I finish the speech, but a lot of thing need to improve. Have a good speech is diffculte, it's impassible in a few time. you prepare as hard as you can, althought you feel fear anymore, do it! and do the best! I hope the ability of communication can increace more and more after this experement. I want to be a prefessional person and share myself, everybody can grew up by me. let's go to heaven.


最近有些小小發現,當你使用文字描述,寫下來的同時,文字的感染力就開始散佈,文字是如此鏗鏘有力,例如這禮拜你想要開始準備看一本書,當你寫下這個計畫的同時,無聲的鳴槍在心中響起,在接下來的日子裡,當你迷網不知道要做什麼的時候,你不會去選擇玩遊戲或是瀏覽網頁等,可能你會打開書本的第一頁。我想原因在於人在大部分的時間是迷惘無所事事的,只能憑藉著以往的經驗來決定接下來的行動。主動一點為自己設置地圖,讓每天充滿新鮮,何嘗不是件壞事。 既然發現了這個秘密之後,緊接著我的計畫是在 7 底的 TOEIC 考試能夠達到 750 分 !我相信藉由我完善的規劃以及自制力。對我這個連文法都有問題的人來說,拿到這個分數也不是件難事。只要我肯規劃肯動手去做!