
目前顯示的是 5月 14, 2008的文章

First step : Be a Repeator

because my English is poor, if want to change, the good idea is repeat other's article, but today I will share the something, that is study on bible study in yesterday. 1. everyone have a major task in your life, the God assign to you this task. so we should follow it. 2.Jesus die for us, but a lot of people fun to he, since Jesus die they will have big shake and start make a self-examination. 3.cut off any embarrassing mind, just like a little man, he want to see God, so he hard to clam the tree, even if everybody hate you, don't shame! Because The God want to know you.

Sleep at lunch

下午的昏睡讓我感到罪惡,不能夠怪老師演講的題目是我興趣缺缺的軟板,但是我開始思考 午睡 重要性! 今天也體悟到晚上早點回家的好處,晚上時間總是過的特別快,我討厭那種 東摸摸西摸摸 時間就不見的感覺!不如早點回家做些有意義的事情,迎戰明天! 有時候自己在用笨方法做事情,有時候對自己的允諾沒有 遵守 ,這都讓我產生莫大的挫折,特別是沒有達到自己的 期望 ,更讓我痛苦萬分。 每天寫blog,想要寫出有意義的文章有些困難,架構太大也需要花太多時間,我分配給blog寫作的時間僅僅只有20分鐘,太困難了!於是改換寫每日心情小品,這也是紀錄每天的方法!