
目前顯示的是 5月 21, 2008的文章


這世上存在一種牢籠,它是無形的,但是效用比監獄還夠勁。表面上自由的社會,消除人權上得自由,反而演化成另外一種形式的束縛,算是心理上得束縛。就拿我來說,前些陣子安排的行程,連我都覺得佩服,必須再一個小時之內完成多樣工作。似乎有些瘋狂,但傻傻的我日復一日的照著這張地圖走,當然每天獲得的挫折程度可想而知。 每天看書到底有沒有用呢?讀萬卷書還要行千里路,這是孔子所說得,然而書呆子文化充次在亞洲地區,應付考試讓學生筋疲力盡,我應該沒有受到荼毒,因為我有個愉快的求學過程,每天過著安逸的苗栗生活,吃飽睡睡飽吃,有多的精神就拿來打game,這是需要付出慘痛的代價。 腦袋空空說話乏陳無味,嘴炮功力倒是不錯,到底要如何提昇自己的深度?我們必須每天透過閱讀等管道來提高我們的深度,但並不是擁有的資訊越多,就越有深度;過濾萃取在吸收是現代人必須要磨練的技巧。並且有了深度還要能夠用,走遍各地與每個人溝通切磋,將所學的一切從小小的腦袋中解放出來。想通了某些道理之後,最近的我開始走向戶外,我想藉由多樣的接觸來摩擦出燦爛的花火。


I can't understand that we knew the God in own life? Keep the relationship with God is important to us. because we are not perfect, we do bad things on usual. so that is necessarily. the unfortunate thing come to you, what are you doing? if you have a strong man in the situation. even though this is great problem. you are not avoid but conquer it. just like the psychology's position think. Recently I read a lot of message about cerebration and religion, that's interest to me, but I want to be a engineer, research technology is important too, change the weight of my concern, List emerge thing in my life, spirit, money, job, family, relationship, health, etc... Today I know prayer's mean, I was unknown the God at two month ago. I think the action is escape the reality, but now I again know when you meet to whole problems don't just prayer . receive power form God, and you must immediately do something, I again closer to God at tonight