
目前顯示的是 4月 27, 2008的文章

I prefer to perfomance.

I think introvert is my character . but I really enjoy to talking to others. I really a shame boy? but the small talk is so weak. I don't know that. peace is residing in my mind, so I unhappy argue with someone. Likeness to play basketball, when the ball jump at the basket and down, we are hold the enemy and rob of the ball, I can't hold they, let's easy obtain, because I hate battle(even if it's not). The shame can changeable, how do I do? To find out advantage with me and do it, that increasing my confident, and step by step. Gather the small ones and merge it, I can do anything if I want. The drawback can turn into my special experience, It's how I winner others.


這個週末很不一樣,除了禮拜六去台南玩了十二小時外,禮拜日更花了四百元(FREE)打電動‧玩太多了吧!我內心深處發表著它的反感。 還記得大三不敢放鬆的原因,原自於對自己的自治力沒有信心,曾幾何時我已經變得強壯,我開始不花太多時間在電視以及電腦上面,我把遊戲全部刪除,因為我沒有時間去玩弄它們;結束了無窮止盡的網路搜尋,因為我知道他是工具,花費太多不必要的時間與它產生感情。可能別人眼中的我很自律,有些難親近,也許我不是一個 長期的 好玩伴,因為我還有很多事情要做。我每天興奮得想要動手去學習。也許我說話不是挺風趣的,我已經盡力不說奇奇怪怪又死死板板的話語,用盡我的想像力以及我的小腦袋瓜了。 最後我想訴說的是,無極必反,禮拜六台南遊是好的,讓我更清楚知道自己,以及我為什麼會無話可談等等...但是禮拜天又玩,我就感覺怪怪的,嗯!自制力很強的那個我,會把我拉回軌道的,只是這個假日,它在休息罷了!

I decision to exam TOEIC

I desired improve my English, since I went to ORTV, talk to alien is funny, they special tone and fluency. keep my motivation of study English. I am roar on speak English. If your English so smooth? just like open the giant door about 100 tons. spare your mind with everyone, that's wonderful, before share something to someone, training your brain, let it awake and start to care for some critical issues. Now I will study books about the exam, spend some times per day, and participate groups, talk bible with English, get the excellent score and chase after leader one, I shall follow my respects, it is list at beneath: 1.efficient use my time as best management. 2.keep my health. 3.excellent memorization. 4.strong active. 5.expand my relationship. 6.improve my languages. 7.recode myself everyday. To sum up, I think responsibility is important to me, so do it no late and do best no excuse, certainly I have a good map (plan), I can hard to practice, even if face the big wall, great d