
目前顯示的是 6月 11, 2008的文章

The cheapest things in the world.

Suggestion is cheapest thing in the world. because finally you must take care your chose, the other word can move your goal, that's can prove your confident is weak and insufficient . you can feel this is so crazy and no friendly for other feeling. It don't think other's word is shit. you can receive and self-choose what's true. but you remember that is took by yourself, not the man who suggestion how you can do. beneath article I will explain why this word is cheap. From bible, your a sinner and the word is made by yours body, You can image the dirty machine can make a pure product? so man-made usually isn't true, you should be a neutral, Using your explicit policy, understand what are you must to do. From Psychology, I read a book "A bible of You are made rich by your mind", a chapter topic is "confident", he talk to me how to become richer, you should get more things can let you confident, and the confident usually hind in your fault or differ


今天的bible study我發現有許多的傳統,已經失去了原有的目的,變成例行公事商業手法的一環;人類會因為大豐收而慶祝,這種行為從古老就有,人們唱歌跳舞暢飲至天亮;我很好奇想要知道為什麼會有這種狂歡的行為,是因為生理需求滿足後,追求心靈上的富裕? 在台灣很多傳統也是,拿過年收紅包來說好了,原本的祝福,成為變相零用錢的把戲,當然我也是期待著每次紅包的到來,直到今年才有些不好意思,所以到了過年我只記得,要拜拜、要很晚睡覺(因為要守夜,順便賭博)、可以收到很多錢、有很長的假期等等... 利用傳統節慶放鬆,是個不錯的提議,有時候盲目追求或者遵行某些模式想法時,請記得深思事情背後的目的,不求甚解的態度有好有壞,我在這裡提出一個建議,世界上所產生的資訊有兩種,一種僅僅只是資訊罷了,另外一種是能夠啟發的概念;當然這兩種資訊就要用不同的方式來紀錄,第一種資訊,就好比今年幾個人出生、多少了喜歡吃漢堡等等這種無意義的數據,如果你真的想要記住它們,我想你可以寫在紙上,不需要進入你昂貴的腦袋裡面;然而另外一種重要的資訊呢?你必須想盡辦法增加它在你腦袋的停留時間,你可以透過重複或是一些記憶技巧,這些資訊可能包括,你的未來拓樸、良好的習慣養成的方法、你的價值觀等等。我舉例不是很棒在此見諒,我最想要表達的就是,不要只會蒐集沒什麼用的資訊,而不會消化它,這跟盲目的追求傳統,是一樣的危險! 所以我們清晰的判斷力,深度的思考力是必備的!擁有了這些邏輯思考的技巧,除了免除在洪流中被推著跑之外,我相信你會有自信做你想做的,並且達到你所期望的目的,最後成為成功的人!

That's my though

Today is final class of bible study, The Topic is "Tell other", The big news about Juses share information for everybody, That's a perfect end. since I joining the group of English bible study, from a shame and selfish to happy, the grow up can seen by you, let me go out from laboratory, before this is my only life in laboratory, but now more things you can chose, just like investment must chose variety companys, so you can shoulder the small risk, Thanks my classmate who push me to the wide area, let me touch more cold things. Today still is good, I am ready for the today mission.